We all realise that a person with Angela Merkel’s physical appearance has a totally different set of needs and desires and a different structure to their character than, for example, a person who looks like Angelina Jolie. A different set of energies, in turn, is manifest in a person like Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Our perception permanently draws conclusions – both unconsciously and automatically – of a person’s socio-economic status, his outward behaviour, and significantly, his physical appearance. The latter can give us a glimpse of another person’s nature and mood. We have all experienced the light emanating from a person who is beaming with joy. Likewise, the dark shadow ringing the eyes always speaks of an inner exhaustion.

Physiognomics is a powerful tool for fully understanding these perceptions and to differentiate and systemise them. The aim of physiognomics is not to support prejudice or reinforce presumptions, but rather to understand, respect, and appreciate the unique gift that each individual person embodies.